How To Deal With Motion Sickness When Playing VR Games

How To Deal With Motion Sickness When Playing VR Games

Virtual reality gaming opens up a world of immersive experiences but for some users, it can come with an unwanted side effect: motion sickness. The feeling of nausea and discomfort can be discouraging, but fear not! In this article, we will explore effective strategies to help you deal with motion sickness when playing VR games, allowing you to fully enjoy the wonders of the virtual world.


Why Do Motion Sickness Occur In VR?

The feeling of motion sickness in VR gaming occurs due to a fascinating interplay of sensory inputs and the brain's ability to interpret them. In the real world, your brain relies on several sensory cues to maintain balance and spatial orientation. These cues include visual input from your eyes, signals from your inner ear's vestibular system (responsible for balance and motion detection), and feedback from your body's proprioceptive system (sense of body position and movement).

In a virtual environment, the visuals generated by the VR headset can create the illusion of movement, such as flying, gliding, or rapid acceleration, while your body remains stationary in the physical world. For example, when you're flying in a VR game, your eyes may see the world passing by quickly but your body, which is not actually moving, perceives no corresponding acceleration or changes in position. This discordance between visual cues and physical sensations can lead to a sense of disorientation and trigger motion sickness.

When the brain receives conflicting information from various sensory systems, it interprets the situation as a potential poisoning or neurotoxin ingestion. To protect the body, the brain triggers the body's natural defense mechanism which includes symptoms like dizziness, nausea, and even vomiting in an attempt to expel the perceived toxin. This response is an evolutionary protection as ingesting poisonous substances could cause hallucinations or altered perceptions similar to what is experienced during motion sickness in VR.


Tips In Overcoming Motion Sickness in VR Gaming

Start Slow and Take Breaks

If you are new to VR gaming, it's essential to ease yourself into the experience. Start with short VR sessions and gradually increase the duration as you acclimate to the virtual environment. Taking breaks during longer gaming sessions will also give your body the necessary time to adjust, reducing the risk of motion sickness.

Opt for Comfortable VR Games

Choosing the right games can make a significant difference in preventing motion sickness. Opt for VR games that offer smooth and gradual movements rather than those with intense, fast-paced action. Games that provide options for teleportation or snap turning are often less likely to induce motion sickness.

To enhance your overall VR gameplay comfort and control, consider using the ZyberVR 3-In-1 Multipurpose Handles. These handles provide a more ergonomic grip, reducing strain on your hands and wrists, and allowing for longer, more enjoyable gameplay sessions.



Adjust VR Settings

Tweaking the VR settings can have a positive impact on your comfort level. Start by adjusting the field of view (FOV) settings to a level that feels comfortable for you. Additionally, ensure your headset's interpupillary distance (IPD) is correctly set to avoid any visual distortion that could contribute to motion sickness.

After you have optimized your VR settings to maximize comfort, there's one more way to elevate your VR experience further – the ZyberVR Prescription Lenses. These lenses offer a tailor-made solution for VR enthusiasts who wear prescription glasses. Instead of struggling to fit your glasses inside the headset, these lenses are custom-made to your prescription requirements and fit perfectly into your VR headset.



Keep the Room Well-Lit

Believe it or not, lighting plays a role in motion sickness while using VR. Keep your gaming area well-lit to minimize the sensory conflict between the virtual and real world. Avoid playing in dark or dimly lit environments as they can exacerbate the feeling of disorientation.

The ZyberVR IR Light, designed specifically for VR gaming setups, ensures proper illumination without causing glare or reflections that might interfere with your VR headset's tracking. Its infrared technology is optimized for VR applications, allowing your tracking systems to work seamlessly and further enhancing your overall gaming experience.



Focus on a Fixed Point

During VR gaming, it's natural to explore the virtual world by moving your head around. However, excessive head movements can increase the likelihood of motion sickness. Instead, try to focus on a fixed point in the VR environment, like a virtual nose or a crosshair. This technique can stabilize your vision and reduce feelings of dizziness.

Limit Head Movements

In fast-paced VR games, it's tempting to turn your head rapidly to keep up with the action. However, such movements can contribute to motion sickness. Try to keep your head movements steady and in sync with your body's natural motion, and remember, sometimes, less is more.

Embrace Natural Locomotion

Games that promote natural locomotion such as walking or using your hands to move within the VR space tend to be more comfortable for most users. These movements align with what your body expects, reducing the risk of motion sickness compared to artificial locomotion methods.

Consider Ginger or Ginger Products

For centuries, ginger has been used as a natural remedy for nausea. Some VR users find relief from motion sickness by consuming ginger-based products. While this may not work for everyone, it's worth a try. As always, consult with a healthcare professional before trying any remedies, especially if you have any underlying medical conditions.

Stay Hydrated

Dehydration can worsen motion sickness symptoms so it's essential to stay hydrated during your VR gaming sessions. Keep a bottle of water nearby and take regular sips to prevent discomfort.



Motion sickness can be a challenge for some VR gamers but with the right strategies, you can overcome it. Remember to start slowly, choose comfortable games, and make necessary adjustments to your VR settings. Practice focusing on fixed points and limiting head movements while embracing natural locomotion. Consider natural remedies like ginger and, above all, stay hydrated. With time and persistence, you'll find that motion sickness becomes less of a concern, leaving you free to explore the boundless adventures that VR gaming has to offer!


